
ASP.Net MVC Framework - Create your own IControllerFactory and use Spring.Net

Fredrik Normén's Blog - NSQUARED2 http://fredrik.nsquared2.com/viewpost.aspx?PostID=465

ASP.Net MVC Framework - List and Save data

ASP.Net MVC Framework - List and Save data - Fredrik Normén http://weblogs.asp.net/fredriknormen/archive/2007/11/17/asp-net-mvc-framework-list-and-save-data.aspx

Page and User Control Communication

Page and User Control Communication: ASP Alliance http://aspalliance.com/1461_Page_and_User_Control_Communication

RSS Feed with the new ASP.NET MVC Framework

Brad Abrams : RSS Feed with the new ASP.NET MVC Framework http://blogs.msdn.com/brada/archive/2007/11/14/rss-feed-with-the-new-asp-net-mvc-framework.aspx

C# ViewState Management/Storage - Four Locations!

C# ViewState Management/Storage - Four Locations! - The Code Project - C# Programming http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/c__viewstate_management.asp

Generic XML Serialization in C#

Generic XML Serialization in C# - The Code Project - C# Programming http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/GenericXmlSerializition.asp

.NET Type Internals - From a Microsoft CLR Perspective

.NET Type Internals - From a Microsoft CLR Perspective - The Code Project - C# Programming http://www.codeproject.com/csharp/net_type_internals.asp

Cracking the Mysteries of .NET 2.0 Configuration

Cracking the Mysteries of .NET 2.0 Configuration - The Code Project - .NET http://www.codeproject.com/dotnet/mysteriesofconfiguration3.asp


違法コンテンツのダウンロードが“罪”になる 後で必ず読む!

条件にマッチする ListViewItem TreeNode の検索と列挙

参考になります。 渋木宏明(ひどり) blog: 条件にマッチする ListViewItem の検索と列挙 渋木宏明(ひどり) blog: 条件にマッチする TreeNode の検索と列挙


後で使ってみよう。 TechCrunch Japanese アーカイブ » Jimdo―既存サイトのデザインのコピーが簡単にできる http://jp.techcrunch.com/archives/steal-this-template-with-jimdo/

AJAX Rating in ASP.NET 2.0

AJAX Rating in ASP.NET 2.0 http://www.eggheadcafe.com/article.aspx?id=02c2290f-394e-43d1-98c5-bc2149b7f7ae

Mocking .NET 2.0 Web Services

Mocking .NET 2.0 Web Services - The Code Project - C# WebServices http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/MockDot20WebServices.asp

ASP.NET GridView Image Command Button Problem (multiple PostBacks)

ASP.NET GridView Image Command Button Problem (multiple PostBacks) - The Code Project - ASP.NET http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/GVImageCommandButtonProb.asp

Accessing and Updating Data in ASP.NET 2.0: Customizing the Editing Interface

ASP.NET.4GuysFromRolla.com: Accessing and Updating Data in ASP.NET 2.0: Customizing the Editing Interface http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/080807-1.aspx

Simple RSS Reader in C#

Simple RSS Reader in C# - The Code Project - C# Programming http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/RSS_Reader.asp

Bat file compiler

Bat file compiler - The Code Project - C# Programming http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/BatCompiler.asp

Powerful, and simple command line parsing in C#

Powerful, and simple command line parsing in C# - The Code Project - C# Programming http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/plossum_commandline.asp

Getting Silverlight 1.0 RC working with VS 2008 on a Vista Box

dougturn's WebLog : Getting Silverlight 1.0 RC working with VS 2008 on a Vista Box http://blogs.msdn.com/dougturn/archive/2007/08/02/getting-silverlight-1-0-rc-working-with-vs-2008-on-a-vista-box.aspx

ControlState Property Demystified

ControlState Property Demystified http://www.beansoftware.com/ASP.NET-Tutorials/ControlState-Property.aspx


一見の価値あり。 フォームで落書きを投稿できるようにするJavascriptライブラリ『』 | P O P * P O P http://www.popxpop.com/archives/2007/08/javascript_1.html


WYSIWYG型オンラインCSSデザインツール【CSSEZ】 http://jp.cssez.com/

Creating a Data Driven ASP.NET Localization Resource Provider and Editor

Creating a Data Driven ASP.NET Localization Resource Provider and Editor http://www.west-wind.com/presentations/wwDbResourceProvider/

電子ブック化された書籍が読める「eBOOK World」


ASP.NET 2.0でのDataSourceコントロール

Data Source Controls in ASP.NET 2.0 http://www.beansoftware.com/ASP.NET-Tutorials/Data-Source-Controls.aspx

Webservice ASP.NET with GridView and DataGridView

Webservice ASP.NET with GridView and DataGridView http://www.codegod.de/WebAppCodeGod/webservice-aspnet-with-gridview-and-datagridview-AID310.aspx

.NETでActive Directory Application Mode(ADAM)

とりあえず調査用リンク。 プログラムを使用して ADAM を管理する http://www.microsoft.com/japan/msdn/enterprise/pag/securityguidance/paght000018.aspx 【よさそう】 http://www.dotnetspider.com/kb/Article889.aspx Active Directory Application Mod…

LINQ to SQL のいろいろリンク

MSDN Blogへのリンク。 Roller : LINQ to SQL using XPathhttp://linqinaction.net/blogs/roller/archive/2007/07/16/linq-to-sql-using-xpath.aspx Wriju's BLOG : LINQ to SQL : Deferred and Immediate Loading http://blogs.msdn.com/wriju/archive/2007…

Coping with Click-Happy AJAX Application Users

Coping with Click-Happy AJAX Application Users - Dan Wahlin's WebLog http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/archive/2007/07/10/coping-with-click-happy-ajax-application-users.aspx


やっぱ.NET Frameworkでは受信用のオブジェクトがないから、ガリガリ書かないといけないわけで。 【参考】 POP3メールサーバーからメールを受信する: .NET Tips: C#, VB.NET, Visual Studio http://dobon.net/vb/dotnet/internet/receivepop3mail.html CodeZ…